Betingelser for opgradering
1. Opgrader til en højere rejseklasse
1.1 Under en online check-in der finder sted tidligst 30 timer før afgang, eller ved en af automaterne i lufthavnen, kan KLM tilbyde passagerer muligheden for en betalt opgradering fra Economy Class eller Premium Comfort Class til en højere rejseklasse for en del af deres rejse. Af og til er denne mulighed tilgængelig til nedsat pris. Det er også muligt at købe en opgradering til en højere rejseklasse for den del af rejsen i forbindelse med online check-in, i check-in skranken i lufthavnen, i vores KLM Crown Lounges i Amsterdam Schiphol Lufthavn eller ved boardinggaten. Hvis du køber en opgradering til Premium Comfort Class eller Business Class efter du har købt en Economy Comfort-plads eller et andet sædeprodukt, vil det beløb du allerede har betalt blive fratrukket prisen for opgraderingen.
1.2 Når du har købt en opgradering til en højere rejseklasse for en del af din rejse, har du samme fordele som enhver anden Premium Comfort Class- eller Business Class-passager for den del af din rejse. For Flying Blue-medlemmer forbliver antallet af optjente Miles og XP det samme som erklæret på din oprindelige billet. Hvis opgraderingen betales kontant, vil du optjene yderligere Miles ud fra det antal euro, du bruger på opgraderingen.
1.3 KLM forbeholder sig dog retten til at tildele en Premium Comfort Class- eller Business Class-plads til en anden passager, skulle vi vurdere dette som værende nødvendigt pga. drifts- eller sikkerhedsmæssige hensyn. Den endelige beslutning om hvorvidt du bliver tildelt en plads i en højere rejseklasse, er op til check-in-agenten og kabinepersonalet for den pågældende flyvning.
2. Indledende betingelser
2.1 Hvis du vælger en plads ved siden af en nødudgang, kræver lovgivning og regler at du kan være til hjælp i mulige nødstilfælde. Det betyder at du skal være sund, rask, fuldt mobil, og at du ikke tager medicin der kunne påvirke din evne negativt til at udføre disse funktioner.
2.2 Du skal også garantere at alle oplysningerne du giver ved en anmodning om at opgradere til en højere rejseklasse er korrekte, og at du ikke vil lave en spekulativ, falsk eller bedragerisk reservation. Ydermere vil du kun foretage en reservation for dig selv eller for en anden person på hvis vegne du er i stand til at kontrahere.
3. Refunderinger
3.1 Hvis du ikke modtager en Premium Comfort Class- eller Business Class-plads på trods af at du har opgraderet til en højere rejseklasse, er du berettiget til en refundering af omkostningerne forbundet med en opgradering til Premium Comfort Class eller Business Class for den del af turen hvortil du har købt denne opgradering på de betingelser at:
(I) vi har aflyst din flyvning,
(II) vi har ændret flytypen,
(III) du mister dit forbindelsesfly med KLM, Air France, Delta Air Lines eller Kenya Airways,
(IV) vi har udøvet vores ret til at tildele Business Class-pladsen til en anden pga. drifts- eller sikkerhedsmæssige hensyn.
3.3 Ingen refundering vil blive givet hvis kriterierne, der listes ovenfor, ikke opfyldes.
4. Payment
4.1. Payment for an Upgrade Option can be made in cash at any local KLM agency or at the airport.
4.2. Payment for an Upgrade Option can be made using the payment cards and iDEAL accepted on the official KLM websites, mobile application, call centres and at any local KLM agency or at the airport.
4.3. Payment for an Upgrade Option can be made using Miles, for customers with a Flying Blue card.
4.4. Payment for the Upgrade Option using Miles & Cash is reserved for customers with a Flying Blue card.
4.5. Payment for the Upgrade Option using Delta SkyMiles is reserved for SkyMiles members.
5. Change & Refund conditions
5-A Terms and Conditions of the Upgrade Option
5.1. KLM agrees to make every effort to respect the change of travel class that will take place following the purchase of the Upgrade Option and in accordance with these Conditions. The Customer is hereby informed that KLM may be forced, for operational reasons related to safety and/or security requirements, to modify the possibility of using the Upgrade Option, even after boarding. In this case, KLM shall not be held liable and the Customer who was unable to benefit from the Upgrade Option purchased in accordance with the conditions set forth herein shall be reimbursed the price of the Upgrade Option in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in Article 5-B "Refund conditions" below.
5.2. The Upgrade Option is personal and non-transferable.
5.3. The Upgrade Option is associated with a KL flight number and must be used on the day of departure for the flight for which the customer has purchased an Upgrade Option.
5.4. The Upgrade Option purchased by a customer cannot be modified or exchanged except in the cases outlined in Article 5-B "Refund Conditions".
5.5. Customers who are members of the Flying Blue frequent flyer program earn Miles and XP on the basis of their initial booking class. Customers also earn Miles for each euro spent on the Upgrade Option on flights operated by KLM (for more information, see the Flying Blue website).
5.6. Customers who purchase the Upgrade Option may only do so on their own behalf or on behalf of a person who has duly authorized them to purchase the Upgrade Option on their behalf and for their account, hereafter referred to as the "Authorizing Passenger". In the latter case, the Authorizing Passenger is understood to have read and accepted these Terms and Conditions.
5-B Refund conditions
The Customer who has purchased the Upgrade Option will be entitled to a refund of the price of the Upgrade Option in the following circumstances:
- The flight on which the Upgrade Option was purchased is cancelled and the Customer is not able to travel.
- The Upgrade Option purchased was not awarded by KLM. In this case, the Customer will be returned to their original class and the price of the Upgrade Option will be refunded. The Customer will not be entitled to the compensation provided for in European Regulation 261/2004.
- The Customer with a Full Flex ticket cancels their flight.
- A Customer with a Full Flex ticket changes their flight, and the Upgrade is not available for the new reservation.
The Customer may request a refund of the Upgrade Price by filling out an online claim form accessible via the "Contact Us" section of our website.
6. Force majeure
KLM shall not be held liable and shall not be deemed to have breached its obligations in the event of non-provision of all or part of its services defined in the Terms and Conditions herein if such failure is due to force majeure, as defined or interpreted by the applicable country law. In this case, the Customer shall not be entitled to claim any compensation, damages, or interest for any direct or indirect damage suffered as a result of the failure to provide the services.
7. Privacy statement (KL)
8. Claims
Any claim concerning the reservation, payment and/or provision of the Last Minute Paid Upgrade Option shall be addressed to KLM via the online claim form accessible via the “Refunds for extra options” link in the “Support” section on the Website.
9. Modification of these Terms and Conditions
KLM reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time. The purchase of the Upgrade Option shall be subject to the Terms and Conditions in force at the time of booking, unless a change to these Terms and Conditions is required by law or a governmental authority (in which case this change will also apply to all orders already placed).